Python developer with 5 years of experience, I have been working at a cybersecurity firm for 2 years. I have worked 3 years with machine learning techniques applied to textual data processing (NLP). I mostly use Python and JavaScript, with Flask and Django, but I also have experiences with Java, C/C++, Go and Perl.
I develop SaaS application back-ends with Python, for example:
I also work on the front-end of some projects with JavaScript, for example:
At Strasbourg University, I integrated machine learning algorithms for natural language processing (NLP). I have published several scientific papers.
I also gave computer science and linguistics courses to bachelor and master students.
I pay close attention to code quality (clean code, automated tests) and secure web development (writing code that is not vulnerable to cyber attacks).
I like technical challenges, they teach me new things. I'm currently learning Go and Haskell.
Feel free to contact me via:
Oct 2020 – present: Cogiceo (cybersecurity)
Oct 2017 – Sept 2020: University of Strasbourg
Sep 2019 – May 2020: Faculty of Languages, University of Strasbourg (Computer Science Department)
For the Master degree “Language Technologies” (M1 et M2, about 15 students per class):
For the Master degree “Métiers de l'Édition” (Publishing) (M2, about 20 students):
Sep 2017 – Aug 2019: Faculty of Literature, University of Strasbourg (Department of Linguistics)
For the Bachelor degree in Linguistics and the Bachelor degree in Literature (between 15 and 100 students per class):
For the Bachelor degree in Education Science (about 120 students):
Feb 2017 – Aug 2017: Lilpa Laboratory (Linguistique, Langues, Parole) (Unité de Recherche 1339), University of Strasbourg
This was an internship for the Democrat project (Description and modelling of reference chains: tools for corpus annotation (with diachronic and cross-linguistic approaches) and automatic processing) from the French National Research Agency (ANR-15-CE38-0008) (go to website).
2017: University of Strasbourg
Thesis (read it):
Main classes (more information on the University website):
2017: University of Strasbourg
Thesis (read it):
Highlights of the research:
Main classes (more information on the University website):
2015: University of Strasbourg
Main classes (more information in the presentation booklet from the University, page 4):
I wrote about 150 reference sheets on Ancient Greek grammar and linguistics (419 pages).
2013: University of Strasbourg
2005: Marc Bloch University (Strasbourg II)
DEUG stands for “Diplôme d'Études Universitaires Générales” or General Academic Studies Degree.
I studied at UFR PLISE (Philosophie, Linguistique, Informatique, Science de l'Éducation), Marc Bloch University in Strasbourg.
Main classes:
From June 2000 to June 2002, I was a part-time cleaning person for ARSEA in the area of Colmar, France. This was a high-school job. From February 2006 to June 2006, I was a photograph for Pictural, again in the area of Colmar. I made photographs for marriages, parties, etc. I also helped in the store.
I was also the secretary for two associations: the “Centre de Création Image et Son” in Colmar (an association for short movie directors and photographers, about 60 members, from 2002 to 2007); and the “Amicale des Étudiants en Philosophie de Strasbourg” (a student association, from 2005 to 2006). I made the website (at the time) of both associations.
I also started studying history at Marc Bloch University (Strasbourg II), but I got ill and had to stay home for a while. I used this time to teach myself how to code, especially in C, C++, C# and in Perl. Some of my projects, especially those in C#, date back to this period. I also teach myself Ancient Greek and Latin, before going back to school in 2012.
I am proficient with:
I have also significantly used:
)I have also basic knowledge of other programming languages, such as Go, Lua, Scala...
French: native speaker
English: professional working proficiency
German: studied at school
Other languages studied:
Data analysis and machine learning:
Natural Language:
Web development:
, scp
, rsync
, etc. (this website is hosted on a VPS using Nginx)Operating systems and administration:
Office and writing tools:
I have a master degree in French linguistics.
I have given courses on linguistics at University level.
I have more specifically worked on: