Paper flashcards creator script

Prepare a set a flashcards to be printed on paper sheets with (Lua)Latex. The scripts produces a .tex file.

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Here is an example. You write some questions and answers, which you can format using Latex commands, in a text file. You then run to get a latex file that you compile to have a pdf file, with an even number of pages: one side contains the questions, the other the ansers (you have to print on both side, of course). There are several flashcards sizes you can choose from.

The question side (third declension of Ancient Greek):

The answer side:


Assuming you have a at least one files of questions and answers (see below), run:

perl -b -o=<output.tex> <input_file> [<input_file>[, ...]]
lualatex output.tex

With the -b switch, borders are drawn around each card.

Choose the number of flashcards per page you want with the -t option, e.g. -t=12. By default, you can choose between 8, 12 or 18. You can define your own format by editing the module.

With you the -h and -H switches, you can get online help.

Note that input file names that begin with '#' are ignored, so you can use paths from a file:

cat file-list | xargs perl

Custom preamble

You can (but are not required to) create a preamble.tex file in the current directory containing settings that you want to save and share between calls of script. The presence (or absence) of this file will be automatically detected.

For example, if you want to set the same font for all the flashcards you create from several calls of, create a preamble.tex file containing:

\setmainfont{Times New Roman}

Questions and Answers format

The file(s) containing the questions and answers is formatted as follows

White lines before the question and after the answer are ignored.

Question/Answer pairs are separated by white lines. That means that there must be no white line in a Question/Answer pair (use the LaTeX comment sign, if you want).

Question and Answer are separated by:

Lines beginning by % are ignored (comments).

Here is an example:




See other examples in the samples directory.

Advanced stuff

You can use some formatting options in the format %%option-name:value. The options are as follows:

Here is an example of a file:



