Conversion scripts for coreference annotation formats (corefconversion)

The corefconversion GitHub repository contains conversion scripts for coreference. The main formats we are dealing with here (conll, jsonlines, text) are described at the end of this document.

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On this page:

The script

Script to convert from a jsonlines file to a text representation of coreference annotation. The output is html. Mentions are surrounded by brackets. Coreference chains are represented by colors (each chain has a specific color) and, if requested by a switch, an index (1, 2, 3...). Singletons may be hidden or shown in a specific color (gray by default), without any index.

If your jsonlines file contains several documents, you may show the document name by using the --heading option.

In any case, use the -h and --help switches to get a detailed list of options.

Here are some example (command then illustration):

(1) Color without index:

python3 testing/docs.jsonlines -o output.html

(2) Color with index:

python3 testing/docs.jsonlines -i -o output.html

(Note: indices don't start at 1 in the image becaue it's not the beginning of the text.)

(3) Hide singletons:

python3 testing/docs.jsonlines -i -o output.html --sing-color ""

(4) No color (cm stands for color manager):

python3 testing/docs.jsonlines -i -o output.html --sing-color "" --cm ""

(5) Using common html colors (more constrast, but fewer available colors, so several chains may have the same color):

python3 testing/docs.jsonlines -i -o output.html --sing-color "" --cm "common"

(6) Limiting the output to the N first tokens:

python3 testing/docs.jsonlines -i -o output.html -n 100

The script

Script to convert a jsonlines file to a CoNLL file. Use the -h and --help switches to get detailed help on the options.

Example command (output uses spaces):

python3 -g testing/singe.jsonlines -o ouput.conll
#begin document (ge/articleswiki_singe.xml); part 000
Singe   (0)

         Les         (0
      singes         0)
        sont          -
         des         (0
  mammifères          -
          de          -
          l'         (1
       ordre          -
         des          -
          de          -
         les         (2
    primates      1)|2)
#end document

Example command (merging coreference information with an existing conll file, for example to add predicted coreference):

python3 -g testing/singe.jsonlines -o ouput.conll -c testing/singe.conll
#begin document (ge/articleswiki_singe.xml); part 000
1   Singe   Singe   NOUN   ...

   1            Les             le     DET   ...
   2         singes          singe    NOUN   ...
   3           sont           être     AUX   ...
   4            des             un     DET   ...
   5     mammifères      mammifère    NOUN   ...
   6             de             de     ADP   ...
   7             l'             le     DET   ...
   8          ordre          ordre    NOUN   ...
9-10            des              _       _   ...
   9             de             de     ADP   ...
  10            les             le     DET   ...
  11       primates        primate    NOUN   ...
#end document

Example command (merging + output uses tabulation):

python3 -g testing/singe.jsonlines -o ouput.conll -c testing/singe.conll -T

The script

Script to convert a conll formatted file to a jsonlines formatted file. Use the -h and --help switches to get detailed help on the options.

For example, to convert from the original CoNLL2012 format into jsonlines format:

python3 \
  --token-col 3 \
  --speaker-col 9 \

To convert from the StanfordNLP format into jsonlines format:

python3 \
  --skip-singletons \
  --skip-empty-documents \
  --tab \
  --ignore-double-indices 0 \
  --token-col 1 \
  --speaker-col "_" \
  --no-coref \

To convert from the Democrat corpus in CoNLL format (with a column for paragraphs at position 11):

python3 \
  --tab \
  --ignore-double-indices 0 \
  --token-col 1 \
  --speaker-col "_" \
  --par-col 11 \
  testing/singe.conll \

Note that you may have to change document keys in the CoNLL files before running this script if you want to transform them.

Output sample:

   "doc_key": "(ge/articleswiki_singe.xml); part 000",
   "clusters": [[[0, 0], [1, 2], [4, 12]], [[7, 12]], [[11, 12]]],
   "sentences": [["Singe"],
                 ["Les", "singes", "sont", "des", "mammif\u00e8res", "de",
                  "l'", "ordre", "des", "de", "les", "primates", "."]],
   "speakers": [["_"],
                ["_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_",
                 "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_"]],
   "paragraphs": [[0, 0], [1, 13]]

Script to convert a plain text to a jsonlines format (used for example for cofr).

It tokenizes the text with StanfordNLP. You need to install StanfordNLP via pip and then load the models, for example for French models (use "en" for English models):

python3 -c "import stanfordnlp;'fr')"



python3 <plain.txt> -o <output.jsonlines>

Choose the language with the --lang option (en by default, use fr for French).

Example with the sentence "I eat an apple.":

   "doc_key": "ge:input.txt",
   "sentences": [["I", "eat", "an", "apple", "."]],
   "speakers": [["_", "_", "_", "_", "_"]],
   "clusters": [],
   "pos": [["PRON", "VERB", "DET", "NOUN", "PUNCT"]],
   "paragraphs": [[0, 4]]

Script to convert the jsonlines format into a TEI-URS format used by softwares such as TXM. See the jsonlines2tei repository.

Function library

Module containing several function to manipulate conll data:

Main formats used in automatic coreference resolution

The CoNLL format is a tabular format: each token is on a separate line and annotation for the token are on separate column. Document boundaries are indicated by specific marks, and sentence separation by a white line.

Here is an example:

#begin document <name of the document>
1            Les             le     DET
2         singes          singe    NOUN
3           sont           être     AUX
4            des             un     DET
5     mammifères      mammifère    NOUN

1           Bien           bien     ADV
2            que            que   SCONJ
3           leur            son     DET
4   ressemblance   ressemblance    NOUN
5           avec           avec     ADP
6             l'             le     DET
7          Homme          homme    NOUN
#end document

Column separator (spaces or tabulation), number and content vary according to specification (CoNLL-2012, CoNLL-U, CoNLL-X, etc.).

The jsonlines format stores data for several texts (a corpus). Each line is a valid json document, as follows:

  "clusters": [],
  "doc_key": "nw:docname",
  "sentences": [["This", "is", "the", "first", "sentence", "."],
                ["This", "is", "the", "second", "."]],
  "speakers":  [["spk1", "spk1", "spk1", "spk1", "spk1", "spk1"],
                ["spk2", "spk2", "spk2", "spk2", "spk2"]]
  "pos":       [["DET", "V", "DET", "ADJ", "NOUN", "PUNCT"],
                ["DET", "V", "DET", "ADJ", "PUNCT"]],

It is used for some coreference resolution systems, such as: